Total Surrender

We all know the story of Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones very well. We may not have noticed that in this encounter, Ezekiel experienced the power of God in a way that no one ever had in his time. For this to happen, Ezekiel was under the control of the spirit of God.

The hand of the Lord” stands for God’s Authority: Ezekiel was fully subdued under the power and authority of God. His physical body did not resist the power of God, which had taken control of him. As Christians and children of God, we need to live in surrender to God’s authority and will. Once we get to that point of total surrender when we no longer resist His instructions or His will, the following will happen:

He brought me” – stands for God’s guidance and leadership: He will take us places, he will lead us into our destiny, he will be with us everywhere we go, He will guide our steps, He will lead us on the right path.

He caused me” – stand’s for God’s will: He will put His desires into our hearts, He will enable us make the right choices, He will make us walk in strength even through our weakness, He will enable us overcome difficulties.

“And He said to me” – stands for God’s voice: He will talk to us, we will begin to hear His voice clearly, we will know when He speaks to us, we will be tuned in to His spirit and understand the dreams He gives us, we will know when he is leading us.

Let us surrender unto God so that we can see His mighty power at work in our lives.

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